Our DiDi Delivery Rules apply to Passengers who request delivery services (Delivery Services) and drivers who perform Delivery Services.
These DiDi Delivery Rules are intended to ensure that Delivery Services facilitated by DiDi Mobility (Australia) Pty Ltd (ACN 623 144 963) for Australia and/or DiDi Mobility (New Zealand) Limited (company number 8037474) for New Zealand (individually and collectively (as applicable) (DiDi)) are appropriate and safe for Passengers, drivers, and the community. You need to be aware of your obligations when requesting or performing Delivery Services, and the types of deliveries which are prohibited from being requested or provided on our DiDi mobile rider and driver app and platform (DiDi App).
We reserve the right to deactivate your account where you fail to comply with these DiDi Delivery Rules.
We reserve the right to remove requests for Delivery Services which fail to comply with these DiDi Delivery Rules.
1.1. You must not request, accept, or perform Delivery Services that involve or relate to:
(a) any unlawful, illegal or fraudulent activities, including those relating to weapons, drugs, or alcohol;
(b) any items that require a permit, licence, endorsement or permission to transport (including dangerous or hazardous goods) and where you do not hold such permit, licence, endorsement or permission;
(c) any other potentially hazardous, dangerous or harmful items or activities;
(d) any animals or livestock (other than ‘assistance animals’)
(e) anything that is unsafe, misleading, deceptive, unethical, or immoral that might affect the good public repute of DiDi;
(f) any deliveries, requests or comments that troll, are fake, inappropriate, irrelevant or inflammatory in nature;
(g) any deliveries that may be unreasonable or unsafe to deliver such as heavy or bulky items;
(h) any advertisement purposes;
(i) any delivery where the Service Fee exceeds the maximum amount permitted by the Driver App or the Rider App;
(j) any items that would be unsafe to deliver due to time/temperature sensitive reasons including food or medication that may become unsafe for consumption or use during the period of proposed delivery service;
(k) any items or activities contrary to DiDi’s values; or
(l) any items or activities that in DiDi’s opinion may cause reputational damage or harm to DiDi.
2.1. Passengers must ensure that he or she has taken all relevant and appropriate measures to protect and preserve the items to be delivered. This includes
(a) packaging the items to prevent
(i) spillage;
(ii) breakage;
(iii) spoilage;
(iv) loss of contents;
(v) injury to drivers or others;
(vi) unwarranted or unsafe distraction to a driver including reflective items distracting to the eye or vision either directly or indirectly or items capable of producing noise disturbance to a driver; and
(vii) damage to the driver’s vehicle or other property; and
(b) providing drivers with any special equipment or materials that are appropriate for the item.
2.2. Subject to the Passenger’s obligations in clause 2.1, drivers must take reasonable care of the items they are delivering but are not required to take any special precautions or supply any of their own special equipment or materials for the purpose of performing the Delivery Services.
3.1. If Passengers request the delivery of food or drinks, drivers and Passengers must each do everything respectively required of them to comply with all applicable food safety laws, standards, codes, and guidelines, including those relating to:
(a) receipt, storage, packaging, and transportation of food and drinks;
(b) health and hygiene of the handlers of food and drinks; and
(c) cleanliness and sanitation.
4.1. DiDi is committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of Drivers and Passengers by offering contact-free delivery services when effecting deliveries.
4.2. Passengers and drivers must comply with all applicable safety procedures required by law or recommended by Governmental bodies in receiving or performing the Delivery Service, including those relating to social distancing, no touch delivery, and any applicable social gathering rules or restrictions.
4.3. Passengers and drivers are encouraged to coordinate the Delivery Services in advance of pick-up and drop-off to enable each of them to meet applicable safety requirements and recommendations. This may include, as appropriate, arranging:
(a) a safe location for items to be picked-up by the driver without the need for physical contact between the driver and the person giving the item;
(b) for the person giving the item to the driver (whether a Passenger or not) to directly place the item in the driver’s vehicle to reduce the need for physical contact;
(c) a safe location for items to be dropped-off by the driver without the need for physical contact between the driver and the person receiving the item;
(d) for the person receiving the item from the driver (whether a Passenger or not) to directly retrieve the item from the driver’s vehicle to reduce the need for physical contact.
4.4. Passengers are:
(a) if they are the person sending the item, encouraged to coordinate with the person receiving the item;
(b) if they are the person receiving the item, encouraged to coordinate with the person sending the item; or
(c) if they are neither the person receiving or sending the item, encouraged to coordinate with both the sender and receiver,
to ensure information is accurate and the Delivery Services are able to be performed safely, accurately, effectively and efficiently.
5.1. To ensure that Passengers and drivers both benefit from Delivery Services:
(a) Passengers should be clear with their requests – provide clear and sufficient information as part of your request to enable drivers to know exactly what is required to be delivered and where and to whom items are to be delivered;
(b) Be on time – if a driver is delivering you an item, be ready to collect it from the driver. If your driver is collecting an item from you to deliver elsewhere, be ready to provide it to your driver – so your driver is not left waiting. If you are picking up or delivering an item – do it at the times agreed with the Passenger so they are not left waiting;
(c) Be courteous – treat each other as you would like to be treated;
(d) Do not be inappropriate – avoid all inappropriate behaviour, such as abusive language or gestures, sexual innuendo and advances, and any disrespectful or aggressive comments or conduct;
(e) Contact each other appropriately – only contact each other through the applicable DiDi mobile apps and only for matters relating to the delivery, unless you receive the other person’s express consent to do so; and
(f) Do not harass or discriminate against others – we have a zero tolerance policy for discriminatory language, behaviour or conduct of any kind. Discrimination against Passengers, drivers or other third parties includes but is not limited to discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, nationality and age.
5.2. Drivers and Passengers may have the option to rate each other at the completion of each delivery and may report any behaviour that contravenes these DiDi Delivery Rules.
The following Alcohol Delivery Guidelines and Alcohol Schedule apply to all Drivers and Passengers registered with DiDi in Australia and New Zealand:
A. Obey Alcohol Laws: Passengers who request and Drivers who accept requests to deliver alcohol must comply with all applicable alcohol delivery laws in their state, territory, jurisdiction or country.
B. Underage Recipients: Drivers must not deliver or facilitate the delivery of alcohol to any person under the age of 18. Drivers should understand that if they supply or deliver alcohol products to a person under the age of 18, they are committing an offence and may be fined.
C. ID verification: For a recipient appearing under the age of 25, Drivers must, before delivery of alcohol, verify the age of a recipient using the accepted forms of ID verification listed in the Alcohol Schedule annexed to these DiDi Delivery Rules.
* Queensland Drivers have additional legal obligations when presented with hard copy fake IDs. Please refer to the Alcohol Schedule for these additional obligations.
*South Australian Drivers have additional legal obligations in record-keeping upon undertaking ID verification. Please refer to the Alcohol Schedule for these additional obligations.
D. Intoxicated Recipients: Drivers must not deliver or facilitate delivery of alcohol to an intoxicated person or a person appearing to be intoxicated. Drivers may refer to the Intoxication Guidelines referred to in the Alcohol Schedule annexed to this Policy.
E. Unattended Premises: All alcohol deliveries must be to delivered to a recipient. Drivers must not deliver alcohol where there is no recipient and must not leave or agree to leave the delivery of alcohol at an unattended premise.
F. Return to Seller: If for any reason a Driver is unable to deliver alcohol in order to comply with above guidelines or any other provisions in this Policy, the Driver must return the alcohol to the party supplying the alcohol as soon as practicable after the delivery attempt has been made and the Passenger shall be responsible for any costs incurred as a result of the delivery attempt including the Driver’s delivery fee.
Note: Any reference to the word “Tobacco” in this document includes any tobacco-related products, e-cigarettes and e-cigarettes accessories, smoking and non-tobacco smoking products including herbal cigarettes.
The following Tobacco Delivery Guidelines and Tobacco Schedule apply to all Drivers and Passengers registered with DiDi in Australia and New Zealand:
A. Obey Tobacco Laws: Passengers who request and Drivers who accept requests to deliver tobacco must comply with all applicable tobacco delivery laws in their state, territory, jurisdiction or country.
B. Underage Recipients: Drivers must not deliver or facilitate the delivery of tobacco to any persons under the age of 18. Drivers should understand that if they supply or deliver tobacco products to a person under the age of 18, they are committing an offence and may be fined.
C. ID verification: For a recipient appearing under the age of 25, Drivers must, before delivery of tobacco, verify the age of a recipient using the accepted forms of ID verification listed in the Tobacco Schedule annexed to this Policy.
D. Unattended Premises: All tobacco deliveries must be to delivered to a recipient. Drivers must not deliver tobacco where there is no recipient and must not leave or agree to leave the delivery of tobacco at an unattended premise.
E. Return to Seller: If for any reason a Driver is unable to deliver tobacco in order to comply with above guidelines or any other provisions in this Policy, the Driver must return the tobacco to the party supplying the tobacco as soon as practicable after the delivery attempt has been made and the Passenger shall be responsible for any costs incurred as a result of the delivery attempt including the Driver’s delivery fee.
All Drivers registered with DiDi are required to comply with this Policy, the Alcohol Schedule and Tobacco Schedule at all times.
If a Driver breaches this Policy or any of the provisions in either Schedule, that Driver may be subject to a temporary suspension or permanent deactivation of their DiDi account.
Any breach of the Alcohol or Tobacco Guidelines or the Alcohol or Tobacco Schedule will be considered a serious breach and the offending Driver may be reported to the relevant authorities.
Last Update: May 2021
New South Wales (NSW)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In NSW, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
A driver or rider licence or permit issued by an Australian State or Territory or any foreign country;
A NSW Digital Driver Licence;
Australian or other passport;
NSW photo card;
Proof of age card issued by a public authority of the Commonwealth or of another State or Territory for the purpose of attesting to a person’s identity and age; or
Keypass (over-18) identity card issued by Australia Post.
Intoxication Guidelines
To determine whether or not a person is intoxicated, Drivers may wish to use the Intoxication Guidelines prescribed by NSW Liquor & Gaming Government accessible through this link: https://www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au/documents/gl/gl4003-intoxication-guidelines.pdf.
Further Help
Drivers and Passengers are encouraged to contact NSW Liquor and Gaming Government directly at (https://www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au/contact-us) for any alcohol delivery queries including delivery training, age verification or other delivery obligations for alcohol or alcohol related products.
Victoria (VIC)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In VIC, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
Australian driver licence (including NSW & SA digital drivers licence);
Victorian learner permit;
Foreign driver licence in English language or if not in the English language, must be accompanied by an official English translation or an International Driving Permit;
Victorian proof of age card or an equivalent from another state or territory of Australia;
Keypass card (including digital keypass);
Australian or foreign passport; or
Victorian marine licence
Intoxication Guidelines
To determine whether or not a person is intoxicated, Drivers may wish to use the Intoxication Guidelines prescribed under the Victorian Commission for Gaming and Liquor Regulation accessible through this link: https://www.vcglr.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/Intoxication_guidelines.pdf.pdf.
Further Help
Drivers and Passengers are encouraged to contact the Victorian Commission for Gaming and Liquor Regulation directly at https://www.vcglr.vic.gov.au/contact-us for any alcohol delivery queries including delivery training, age verification or other delivery obligations for alcohol or alcohol related products.
Queensland (QLD)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In QLD, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
All Australian drivers licences (refer below for QLD licence renewal);
QLD Driver Licence Renewal: If the recipient has recently renewed his/her Queensland driver licence but is still awaiting its arrival by mail, he/she may present the expired driver licence for scanning. However, the licence must be presented with the recipient’s Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) Driver Licence Renewal Receipt.
An adult proof of age card (e.g. Australia Post Keypass identity card);
Australian passports;
Foreign passports; or
Foreign drivers licence- must display name, photo and date of birth of the licence holder. (Where a foreign drivers licence is not in English, an international driver permit issued in the country of origin is acceptable)
Intoxication Guidelines
To determine whether or not a person is intoxicated, Drivers may wish to use the following prescribed Intoxication Guideline 58 accessible through this link: Guideline 58: Unduly intoxicated | Business Queensland.
Additional Legal Obligations for QLD Drivers
Hard Copy False ID
Where a recipient is falsely representing themselves as over the age of 18 and the hard copy ID produced appears to have been tampered with or is a genuine ID but does not belong to the person attempting to receive the delivery of alcohol, the Driver MUST seize the false ID presented, report and submit the seized false ID to the relevant authorities in QLD. Further details on the prescribed procedures is accessible through this link https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/hospitality-tourism-sport/liquor-gaming/liquor/training/rsa/refresher/id/confiscating.
Digital False ID
Where a recipient is falsely representing themselves as over the age of 18 using a digital ID, the Driver must NOT confiscate a device on which the suspected false digital ID is used. The Driver is legally obligated to record and report the details of the false ID to the relevant QLD authorities. More details on how to report can be found in this link accessible at https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/hospitality-tourism-sport/liquor-gaming/liquor/training/rsa/refresher/id/confiscating.
Further Help
Drivers and Passengers are encouraged to contact the Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation directly at https://www.justice.qld.gov.au/about-us/services/liquor-gaming for any alcohol delivery queries including delivery training, age verification and seizing of false ID or other delivery obligations for alcohol or alcohol related products.
Western Australia (WA)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In WA, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
Current Australian Driver’s Licence with photograph;
Current passport; or
Current Western Australian Proof of age card
Intoxication Guidelines
To determine whether or not a person is intoxicated, Drivers may wish to use the Intoxication Guidelines prescribed under the Victorian Commission for Gaming and Liquor Regulation accessible through this link: https://www.vcglr.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/Intoxication_guidelines.pdf.pdf.
Further Help
Drivers and Passengers are encouraged to contact the Department of Gaming, Racing and Liquor directly at https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/department/contact-us for any alcohol delivery queries including delivery training, age verification or other delivery obligations for alcohol or alcohol related products.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In ACT, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
A current photographic Australian or foreign driver licence (including a learner permit);
A current photographic proof of age card/proof of identity card or interstate proof of age/proof of identity card; or
A current passport.
Intoxication Guidelines
To determine whether or not a person is intoxicated, Drivers may wish to use the Intoxication Guidelines prescribed under the Liquor Act 2010 accessible through this link: https://www.legislation.act.gov.au/View/ni/2017-352/current/PDF/2017-352.PDF
Further Help
Drivers and Passengers are encouraged to contact Access Canberra directly at https://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/4430 for any alcohol delivery queries including delivery training, age verification or other delivery obligations for alcohol or alcohol related products.
South Australia (SA)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In SA, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
A current photographic driver’s licence issued under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 or under a corresponding law of another State or a Territory;
A current photographic Proof of Age document issued by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles or by a corresponding public authority of the Commonwealth or another State or a Territory;
A current passport issued by the Commonwealth or under the law of another country, bearing a photograph of the person and enabling the age of the person to be determined; or
A current photographic Keypass identification document issued by Australian Postal Corporation.
Additional Legal Obligations for SA Drivers
For each delivery of alcohol, SA Drivers must have the recipient sign a declaration with their name stating that they are 18 years or over and keep a written record and the signed declaration for one year from the date of delivery. The written record must include the type of evidence of identity and age document produced, the name and date of birth on the document and the address where the alcohol was delivered. DiDi reserves the right to request from Drivers, provision of the written records or signed declarations for any alcohol deliveries at any time.
Intoxication Guidelines
To determine whether or not a person is intoxicated, Drivers may wish to use the Intoxication Guidelines prescribed by SA Consumer and Business Services accessible through this link: https://www.cbs.sa.gov.au/sites/default/files/resource-files/intoxication-guidelines-in-plain-english.pdf.
Further Help
Drivers and Passengers are encouraged to contact SA Liquor and Gaming directly at liquorandgaming@sa.gov.au for any alcohol delivery queries including delivery training, age verification or other delivery obligations for alcohol or alcohol related products.
New Zealand (NZ)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In NZ, the acceptable forms of ID verification are:
Any current passport;
A current New Zealand driver licence (Note that under NZ laws, overseas drivers licence is not an acceptable form of ID verification);
A Hospitality NZ 18+ Card – New 18+ Cards are no longer available but existing 18+ Cards continue to be valid ID for 10 years from the date of issue.
A Kiwi Access Card This new Hospitality NZ card replaces the 18+ Card and may be used for verifying both NZ nationals and foreign visitors.
Intoxication Guidelines
To determine whether or not a person is intoxicated, Drivers may wish to use the Intoxication Guidelines prescribed by NZ Government accessible through this link: https://www.justice.govt.nz/assets/Documents/Publications/Intoxication-Assessment-Tool.pdf
Further Help
Drivers and Passengers are encouraged to contact NZ Te Hiringa Hauora Health Promotion Agency directly at enquiries@hpa.org.nz for any alcohol delivery queries including delivery training, age verification or other delivery obligations for alcohol or alcohol related products.
New South Wales (NSW)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In NSW, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) Photo Card;
A driver’s licence;
A passport; or
A keypass (over-18) identity card issued by Australia Post
Victoria (VIC)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In VIC, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
A Victorian or interstate proof-of-age card;
A Victorian or interstate driver’s licence;
An Australian or international passport;
A Keypass; or
A Victorian learner’s permit.
Queensland (QLD)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In QLD, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
Driver’s licence, or
Proof of age card; or
Australian or foreign passport;
bears a photograph of the person;
indicates by reference to the person’s date of birth or otherwise that the person has attained a particular age.
Western Australia (WA)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In WA, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
Note: Any accepted form of ID must be current and include a photograph of the person and the person’s date of birth. A University or College Student Card is not an approved proof of age card.
A current Australian driver’s licence;
A current passport;
A current photographic proof of age card issued under the Liquor Control Regulations 1989; or a proof of age card issued by an equivalent State or territory government; or
A current photo card issued under the Western Australian Photo Card Act 2014.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Acceptable forms of ID
In the ACT, the accepted forms of ID verification
Note: Student ID is not an acceptable form of ID verification
A passport;
A driver’s license; or
A proof of age card issued for alcohol purchases, or another document with the person’s photograph and birth date.
South Australia (SA)
Acceptable forms of ID Verification
In SA, the accepted forms of ID verification are:
Driver’s licence issued under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 or under a corresponding law of another State or a Territory;
Proof of Age card issued by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles or by a corresponding public authority of the Commonwealth or another State or a Territory;
Keypass identification card issued by the Commonwealth Key and Property Register or the Australian Postal Corporation.