Rider Complaint Handling Policy

1. DiDi

This Complaint Handling Policy (this Policy) is intended to serve as a guide to users of the DiDi Mobility (Australia) Pty Ltd ACN 623 144 963 in Australia and/or DiDi Mobility (New Zealand) Limited (company number 8037474) in New Zealand (individually and collectively (as applicable) DiDi) app and platform (DiDi App) regarding handling of complaints.

2. About this policy

2.1 This Policy sets out our approach to managing complaints we receive in relation to the DiDi App. We are committed to treating complaints seriously and dealing with them promptly, fairly, genuinely and with respect for drivers, passengers and persons who require delivery of packages (Users) whilst respecting their privacy. This Policy is intended to help to maintain a service standard and protect DiDi’s reputation, for the mutual benefit of both DiDi and all drivers, passengers and Users. 

2.2 DiDi may from time to time revise and update this Policy. This Policy is published on our website and is available in our mobile applications. We encourage you to review this Policy regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version. 

3. Objective of the policy

3.1 We value our community and are committed to resolving complaints confidentially and as efficiently as possible. We also value feedback and complaints because they assist us to improve the DiDi App and the services provided by drivers.

3.2 This Policy aims to:

(a) manage complaints efficiently, fairly and with respect for privacy; and

(b) create a culture of learning from complaints that assists DiDi to improve the DiDi App, and assists drivers to improve the services that they provide through it.

4. Safety of passengers and security of packages

4.1 Passenger safety is our priority. If you are a passenger and consider that there is an imminent threat to your safety or witness a breach of any law, regulation or rule, please contact the police and/or emergency medical services (as appropriate).

4.2 Security of all packages that are being transported by drivers using DiDi and the DiDi App is important to us.  If you consider there is a breach of any law, regulation or rule in relation to any delivery service, please contact us (see our Complaint Handling Policy) and your local police where appropriate. 

5. Our commitment 

5.1 We are grateful if you take the time to let us know how you are feeling about your experience using the DiDi App. We take pride in our customer service and welcome feedback and the chance to improve. We know that there is the chance that things can go wrong but if you take the time to contact us about a complaint that you have, our aim is to manage and resolve your complaint efficiently, effectively, with respect and whilst maintaining your privacy in accordance with legal requirements.

6. How we meet our commitment 

6.1 We will provide sufficient resources, including appropriately trained, qualified and supervised personnel, to enable us to manage complaints efficiently and effectively through documented systems and work procedures.

6.2 We will address each complaint in an independent, objective and unbiased manner, with a view to a fair and reasonable outcome while at all times respecting privacy.

6.3 We will provide an easily accessible complaints process and we will respond quickly to complaints in a professional, courteous and fair manner, aiming to resolve concerns as soon as possible.

6.4 We will keep users informed on the progress of their complaint until the matter is resolved.

6.5 We will record, monitor and review complaints in order to help identify any steps we can take for proactive improvement of the DiDi App and the services provided by drivers through it. 

6.6 We will review this Policy regularly to ensure it meets drivers’, passengers’ and Users’ needs.

6.7 As required by the Land Transport Rule: Operator Licencing 2017 (NZ), we will keep a record of complaints made about drivers who provides passenger services and operate  under our Transport Service Licence for at least two years.

7. Complaints process

7.1 If you have feedback or a complaint about your experience using the DiDi App, please contact us:

PhoneTemporarily unavailable due to COVID-19
Emailhelp.driver@au.didiglobal.com (for Drivers in Australia)


7.2 We seek to acknowledge and resolve all complaints as promptly as possible. We will acknowledge your complaint within 7 business days (but if you contact us by mail, we will mail our acknowledgement to you within 7 business days after we receive it).

7.3 We assess each complaint received to determine the most appropriate response and prioritise addressing complaints that we consider require urgent action.

7.4 Where possible, complaints will be resolved at the first point of contact. If we are unable to resolve your complaint immediately, we will provide you with a contact person and an estimated timeframe for resolving your complaint. We seek to resolve a majority of complaints within 14 business days after receiving it. However for more complex complaints we will contact you to explain why the investigation requires more time to be resolved. We will keep a record of the investigation and the relevant circumstances and information surrounding your complaint.

7.5 At the conclusion of our investigation we will contact you to explain our investigation and any responsive actions we have taken or intend to take. If we contact you by telephone, you may request a written summary of our investigation and our response during that discussion. If you are satisfied with our investigation and response we will note your complaint as being resolved and close it in our system.

7.6 While we use our best endeavours to resolve all complaints directly, if we cannot resolve the complaint to your satisfaction after prudent escalation within our business, you may choose to make a complaint to a relevant industry regulator in your jurisdiction.

Complaints about New Zealand based drivers who provide a passenger service can also be made directly to the New Zealand Transport Agency at this address: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/contact-us/complaints/commercial-operator-complaint-form/ 

Last update: February 2021