Privacy Policy 

To provide users of the DiDi Driver app (Drivers) and users of the DiDi passenger app (Passengers) (such apps individually and collectively (as applicable) DiDi App) with our point to point transportation and delivery booking services, we need to collect and use personal information about you. We may not be able to provide you with the services you are seeking if you do not provide all of the information we request.

We may disclose your provided information to other parties (who may be located overseas), including related bodies corporate and affiliated organisations, third party service providers and external agencies as described in our Privacy Policy. We may also use your personal information for direct marketing purposes with your consent which you may withdraw at any time. Our Privacy Policy explains what information we collect and how we collect and hold it, how we use that information and who we disclose that information to, how to access the information we collect about you and how to correct it, how to make a privacy complaint and how we deal with such complaints. Our Privacy Policy is available at for Australia and for New Zealand and in the DiDi App.

Privacy Policy

1.  Introduction

This Privacy Policy describes what personal information Didi Mobility (Australia) Pty Ltd ACN 623 144 963 for Australia and/or DiDi Mobility (New Zealand) Limited (company number 8037474) for New Zealand (as applicable) (individually and collectively DiDi) collects about you and how, what that information is used for, and when it may be disclosed to other parties in accordance with the relevant Privacy Principles contained in the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the  New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Legislation). It also explains how you can request access to and correction of the information, how to make a privacy complaint and how the complaint will be dealt with and how to opt out of receiving direct marketing communications.

This policy applies to any users of the services provided by DiDi, and to anyone else who contacts DiDi or otherwise submits information to DiDi.

2. How and why we collect your personal information

DiDi primarily collects personal information about you to enable us to provide booking services and facilitate the provision of passenger transportation and delivery services, inform you of different product offerings and in order to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

3.  What personal information do we collect about you

The type of personal information we collect will depend on who you are and in what capacity you are dealing with us, such as whether you are a Driver, Passenger or someone else.

DiDi collects information about you that is made up of the information you provide us including when you create either a Passenger or Driver account with DiDi, the information that relates to your use of our services and information from other sources such as DiDi's business partners and related entities. This personal information is required in order for DiDi to provide services to you. This includes:

(a)  your personal information in relation to your account such as your name, age, gender, address, email address(es) and mobile contact number. We may collect the name, location, phone number and other information about third parties related to your or their use of our services if you provide that information to us. We may also collect the name and telephone number of your emergency contact.;

(b)  if you are registering as a Driver, we will collect additional information about you (such as passport and driver license) to verify your identify and establish your suitability as a Driver and to conduct appropriate criminal history and background checks (which may be conducted either directly or by a third party such as a government regulator) and/or any other information where required or permitted by law to establish your suitability as a Driver such as any accreditation or approval required in the relevant jurisdiction and if you are a Driver in New Zealand, and whilst available to DiDi, you consent to:

o   us using your name, date of birth, driver licence number and version number at the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) transport organisation register online website (TORO) for our business purposes;

o   us (or our service provider) checking your criminal record through the Ministry of Justice, for which you may be required to complete a separate consent form;

o   the NZTA allowing us to receive notifications regarding you, and to access information that is stored in TORO (which may not be publicly available), such as licence status changes, expiry of endorsements, medical conditions and demerit points;

o   us sharing your personal information in order to access, and to use and receive, any information that is stored in any electronic work diary system you use where necessary for our business (including health and safety) purposes or in order for us to comply with any applicable legislation;

(c)  if you are a Driver, in accordance with our Driver Facial Verification Notice available at, facial recognition data, where you have consented to the collection of such data, in which case we will use that data to verify your identity and readiness to use the DiDi App each time you accept a booking to provide transportation services which have been booked through DiDi in accordance with that notice;

(d)  details relating to when and where you request our services and the details of any goods or services received by you related to our services, including your geographical location information (which may be calculated from information collected in (e) of this section below), delivery information, departure and destination information, trip duration and distance travelled;

(e) details of the device on which the DiDi App has been installed or accessed on, which may include your operating system and versions, unique device identifiers, serial numbers, mobile network and Wi-Fi information;

(f)  details about your preferences, your experiences related to our services and/or other user generated content, including information relating to you from other individuals, such as ratings, complaints, compliments or comments about you;

(g)  personal information collected and held via financial or third party payment systems about the payment mechanism or method that you might use (including credit card details) and the payments you may make for our services or other goods or services you request or receive that are related to the services we provide;

(h)  your connection to other individuals whose personal information we may collect or hold, for example family members or referrals;

(i)  details about your participation in any loyalty programs linked or available through DiDi or any business partner or affiliate;

(j)  if you use social media to interact with us or other services provided by third parties through the DiDi App, any information that you allow the social media platform and/or the other third party site to share with us;

(k)  any address that you may use, including that of pick up and drop off locations for passenger services and delivery services;

(l)  your health information, where the collection is required by law (for example in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19)) or where you otherwise provide that information to us in relation to the provision of services (for example, when submitting a complaint or incident report);

(m) where required by law, photos of Drivers, Passengers, and other third parties to verify that appropriate personal protective equipment is being worn in connection with COVID-19;

(n)  information related to any claim, to assist in investigating or responding to the claim, and which may relate to or be disclosed to third parties, witnesses, medical practitioners and insurers;

(o) if you respond to optional survey requests, demographic information including age, marriage status, ethnicity, profession and income. Please see section 9 below for more information about information collected through surveys; and

(p)  Depending on the permissions that you have enabled, DiDi may collect certain data on your device, such as:

o   Location - to allow trips to take place, activate security features, and prevent and detect fraud;

o   Camera: to take your profile picture and (for Drivers) verify your identity through facial recognition;

o   Photo album: to upload or edit your profile photo;

o   Contact list: to share your itinerary with a contact, share or split payment with a contact, invite your contacts to use the DiDi App, and obtain rewards for referrals; and

o   Microphone: to record or send voice messages during trips.


At any time, you may prevent or enable all or some of the permissions on your device through the DiDi App at Menu -> Settings -> Privacy -> System Permissions.



4.  How we use your personal information

We collect and use your personal information in the course of our normal business operations and activities, including for the following purposes:

(a) to provide services to you;

(b) to communicate with you;

(c) to notify you of any important information or content that you may be interested in;

(d) to facilitate the provision of transportation and delivery services for you;

(e) for research and development;

(f)  to verify your identity, your eligibility to use the DiDi Driver app and/or verify your immigration status (depending on the capacity in which you have engaged with DiDi);

(g) to ensure and enhance the safety and security of users and relevant third parties;

(h) for customer support services such as facilitating responses to your enquiries or complaints;

(i)  to conduct customer surveys and research activities;

(j)  to conduct marketing, promotions and advertising activities;

(k) to fulfil our obligations or claim our rights in legal proceedings;

(l)  to facilitate communications between users; 

(m) to authenticate users;

(n) to investigate and prevent possible fraud and illegal activity;

(o) to process and facilitate payment for goods and services facilitated by us;

(p) to deal with claims, disputes and complaints including disclosure to insurers in relation to any applicable insurance;

(q) to comply with laws, regulations and rules, including assisting government agencies and law enforcement investigations;

(r) to report to regulatory authorities or government bodies on regulatory compliance including providing your health information to health or government authorities as considered necessary or reasonably required; and

(s) to use or disclose it as otherwise authorised or permitted by law. 

With your consent, DiDi uses your personal information to provide you with information on products, services that we, or third parties offer, competitions and other marketing information that we consider may be relevant to you or that you might be interested in, even after you cease acquiring products or services from us.

5. Cookies and Third Party Technologies

DiDi uses cookies and other standard identification technologies on our apps, websites, emails, and online ads for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device by websites, apps, online media, and advertisements. 

DiDi uses cookies and similar technologies for purposes such as:

(a) verifying users;

(b) remembering user preferences and account settings;

(c) determining the popularity and demand for services;

(d)  delivering and measuring the effectiveness of promotional campaigns; and

(e) analysing user traffic and trends, and generally understanding the behaviours of users.

6. Location Services

Before you can use the DiDi App for the first time, we will ask you to choose whether to allow DiDi access to your location and in what circumstances. Location services must be enabled while using the App for us to provide booking services. You may change these settings at any time on your device. With your permission, we will obtain your location through IP address, GPS, and other sensors that provide necessary information for the provision of transportation and delivery services.

We may collect Wi-Fi metadata from your device including whether your device is Wi-Fi and GPS enabled and connected to Wi-Fi, the Media Access Control (MAC) address or your device, the Set Service Identifier (SSID) and signal level of Wi-Fi networks within range of your device, the GPS location of your device in relation to Wi-Fi networks in range of your device and the time the metadata was collected. We use this information so that we can recommend pick-up points based on a Passenger's approximate location. The information collected will be encrypted before being sent to our related body corporate where it will be sufficiently de-identified and aggregated for storage, research and analysis purposes.  

7.  Communications

The DiDi App allows Passengers and Drivers to contact each other via call or message anonymously once a booking service request has been accepted to facilitate the provision of transportation and delivery services. If you use this functionality DiDi will record all communications (voice and text) made and received through the DiDi App for safety, monitoring and quality assurance purposes (including fraud-prevention), for analytical purposes in order to improve our services including our customer service, policies and procedures and/or to investigate and deal with disputes and complaints. By using this functionality you consent to DiDi recording and using these communications as stated in this Privacy Policy.

8. Your social media use

DiDi uses third-party websites for interactive information sharing and to connect with customers such as Facebook and Twitter. We recommend you read any terms and conditions (including any privacy statements or policies) that apply to any third-party web service relating to the handling and management of your personal information as they may use your personal information in ways and for purposes that will be different to the way DiDi uses and processes your personal information.

We encourage you to keep your personal information confidential by contacting DiDi through direct or private messages, email or the customer service hotline.

9. Surveys

We may request that you complete a survey to allow us to have a better understanding of our Drivers and Passengers and to improve our services. If you choose to participate in any optional survey, we may, with your consent, collect demographic information about you, including age, marriage status, ethnicity, profession and income, and which could include your sensitive information. We may also, with your consent, collect information about the way you use, and your experiences of, our services. When participating in any survey, we will first ask you to consent to our collection and use of the information you provide in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

10. Disclosures of your personal information including overseas

DiDi may disclose your personal information for any of the reasons outlined in section 4 above and related purposes which would be reasonably expected by you.

The information indicated in section 3 (a) and (d), entirely or partly, may be automatically shared:

(a) in relation to the Passenger’s information, to the Passenger’s emergency contact or emergency services, upon activation of the alarm function;

(b) in relation to the Driver’s information, to the Driver’s emergency contact or emergency services upon activation of the alarm function; or

(c) in relation to the Driver’s name and email address, to DiDi’s recommended electronic work diary provider so that the third-party service provider can contact the Driver about using the third-party’s electronic work diary system in connection with DiDi’s Transport Service Licence in New Zealand.

DiDi may disclose your personal information to related bodies corporate, other companies within the DiDi group, business partners and service providers or vendors we engage such as customer service providers, to help us provide our services or conduct data processing on our behalf. These entities may be located and operate overseas.  Except where an exception under the Privacy Legislation applies, DiDi will comply with its obligations under the Privacy Legislation in relation to any such disclosures, including taking reasonable steps to ensure that such third parties only use your personal information as reasonably required for the purpose of disclosure and in a manner consistent with the Privacy Legislation, for example by including suitable privacy and confidentiality clauses in our agreement with those third parties.

Subject to any limitations in your privacy and information permissions and settings, we may share your personal information with other users to provide booking services and facilitate the provision of transportation and delivery services. Your privacy and information permissions and settings can be updated at any time in the DiDi App when you are logged into your account.

With your consent (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld), DiDi may disclose Passenger contact information to a Driver or a Driver's insurer, or Driver contact information to a Passenger, if we have reasonable grounds to believe that a genuine dispute has arisen in connection with the provision of transportation or delivery services by the Driver booked through the DiDi App.

If you use the split fare functionality on the DiDi App with other Passengers, we may disclose the fact that you have made a split fare payment and the amount of the payment to those other Passengers that booked the transportation services with you.

DiDi may also disclose your information during negotiations of or in connection with an acquisition or merger, sale, or transfer of, an entity, business, or assets; in bankruptcy proceeding; or as part of any other similar or analogous event.

Otherwise, we may disclose your personal information for other purposes to which you have consented, or as otherwise authorised or required by applicable laws.

11.  Storage and security

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. We typically hold the personal information we collect on servers in electronic databases which are located in the United States of America and managed by our related entities and/or service providers.

We have put in place suitable physical, electronic and administrative procedures to safeguard and protect the information about you that we collect. Personal information and associated data stored on servers is encrypted and is stored through data isolation technology. We limit access to personal information to individuals we or our related entities employ or contracted service providers who we believe reasonably need access to such information to provide products or services to you or to us or in order to perform their jobs. 

If we become aware of or suspect a privacy breach and that breach that has caused or is likely to cause serious harm (as defined in the relevant Privacy Legislation), we will assess the breach and, if the breach is an “eligible data breach” within the meaning of the Privacy Legislation, we will notify the relevant authorities and affected individuals, as required under the relevant Privacy Legislation.

12. Direct marketing

We may occasionally contact you directly with related point to point transport news, information, and special offers from DiDi and other businesses. By creating an account on the DiDi App, you consent to us sending you such information including by means of telemarketing, email, SMS, WeChat messages and other digital channels.

If at any time you decide you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us, you may click the "Unsubscribe" button in the marketing emails and messages or by emailing us at (for Drivers in Australia), or (for Passengers in Australia) and (for Drivers in New Zealand), or (for Passengers in New Zealand). If you opt out of receiving marketing communications from us, we may still contact you or send you messages that are not of promotional nature, such as receipts for transportation and delivery services booked through DiDi.

13.  Information about your personal information

You may make any of the following requests in respect of your personal information.

(a)  Confirmation that we hold and use personal information about you.

(b)  Access to the personal information we hold about you, subject to applicable law.

(c)   Correction of or updates to the personal information we hold about you.

(d)  Anonymisation, blocking or erasure of your personal information that is no longer necessary in order for us to provide services to you or no longer necessary for our normal business operations and activities as set out in section 4.

(e)  Data portability.  In some circumstances, you may, by express request ask us to provide a third party service provider with a copy of the personal information we hold about you in a structured, machine-readable and commonly used format (as selected by us), or otherwise in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law.

(f) Deletion of personal information we hold about you, where we relied on your consent to use your personal information unless an exception applies, such as where we are required to retain such information to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations.

(g) To the extent not addressed in clause 10, information regarding third parties to whom your personal information is disclosed.

(h) Withdraw your consent, where we relied on your consent to use and disclose your personal information.

You can make any of the above requests by contacting us. We may ask you to provide suitable identification when you seek to make any of these requests, in order to verify your identity.

We will provide you a response as soon as possible. Simple requests will be responded to within 2-3 days, more complicated requests may take up to 20 working days to respond to. If we are unable to comply with your request for any reason (such as, we are not permitted or required to under Privacy Legislation) we will inform you of this.

If the personal information we provide in response to your request includes information that is the personal information of a third party or that is confidential or in which we own copyright (such as transcripts or recordings of customer service call records), we may redact such information where reasonably necessary, and you must keep such information confidential and not make the information public, including by sharing the information on social media, without our prior written consent.

Users can also delete their account from the DiDi App. If you delete your account, we will retain your personal information in accordance with our record keeping policies and obligations as a booking service provider or transport service facilitator (as applicable).

DiDi may retain your personal information after you have requested us to delete or de-identify your information if:

(a) there is an unresolved issue relating to your account, such as an outstanding credit on your account or an unresolved claim or dispute;

(b) we are required to by any applicable law; and/or

(c) any information if necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud prevention and enhancing users' safety and security.

When personal information is no longer required, we will take reasonable steps to delete the personal information from our systems or de-identify the personal information.

14.  Local exemptions

Where the Privacy Legislation allows for an exemption to compliance with certain obligations, we may rely on such an exemption.  Our Privacy Policy will not apply to the extent that it is inconsistent with any applicable law.

15.  Changes to our privacy policy

From time to time and for any reason we may revise and update our Privacy Policy and our information handling practices. Our Privacy Policy is published on our website and is available in the DiDi App. 

If we make significant changes or changes that will materially affect you or the manner in which we collect, use or disclose your information to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you of the changes through the DiDi App or by others means, such as email. Regardless, we will seek your express consent prior to making any changes in the way we use or manage your sensitive information.

We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure you are familiar with any changes.

16.  Questions, feedback and complaints

If you have a question, problem or complaint about our collecting or use of your personal information or this Privacy Policy please contact us via email at (for Drivers in Australia) or (for Passengers in Australia) and (for Drivers in New Zealand), or (for Passengers in New Zealand, or at PO Box 450 FLINDERS LANE VIC 8009 for Australia or DiDi Mobility (New Zealand) Limited at Level 16, 45 Queen Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand for New Zealand.

We will need to verify your identity when making a privacy complaint and may need to request further information from you. We will aim to resolve any privacy complaint within five business days from when we receive all the information we require to consider your complaint.

Last Updated: 8 November 2023