When delivering Alcohol, Tobacco and other age restricted items, the recipient must collect the order in-person – you cannot leave them unattended. In addition, you must:
Ask the recipient for ID upon delivery and verify that they are over 18 and that the person collecting the item(s) matches the ID.
If alcohol, check that the recipient is not drunk before handing over the items.
Follow the prompts in the app to confirm the recipient is over 18 and mark the delivery order as complete.
What if the recipient was underage, had no ID or was drunk? You must refuse to leave the age-restricted item(s) and return the item(s) to the customer (sender). You may be fined significant amounts for delivering alcohol or tobacco to underage people.
Please note:
You will be paid for both the delivery and the return-to-sender trips.
For Non-age Restricted items:
Drop off the item(s) to the recipient at the given address.