I can’t pay for the trip

DiDi Centro de Ayuda

We’re sorry to hear that you’re having trouble paying for your trip. We suggest checking the potential reasons below:

  • Your credit card or debit card details were entered incorrectly.


    If this is the case, simply update your credit card details by heading to Payment in the sidebar menu. 

  • Your credit card or debit card has expired.


    If this is the case, you will need to delete the expired card and add a new one.

  • There were insufficient funds in your account.


    If this is the case, you will need to deposit or transfer funds to your account. You may also add another card as a payment method.

  • Your credit card or debit card was issued outside Australia.


    If this is the case, you may need to contact your bank to authorise your transactions. Otherwise you’ll need to add a bank card that was issued in Australia. 

  • You previously reported your bank card as lost or stolen.


    If this is the case,


    your bank may have frozen your account or declined transactions. Please contact your bank to resolve this issue.

Please note: you will not be able to request a new trip if you haven’t paid for a previous trip. If the fare amount was deducted from your bank account but you’re still receiving the Payment Pending message, we suggest waiting a couple of days for the payment status to update.