How do I set Trusted Contacts?

DiDi Centro de Ayuda

If you’d like to share your trip status / current location with friends or family, you’ll need to add Trusted Contacts. To do this, simply head to the sidebar menu and tap Safety Centre > Trusted Contacts. You’ll then be able to enter the name and mobile number of trusted contacts you’d like to share your trip status / location with. To notify your Trusted Contacts when you’re taking a DiDi trip, you’ll just need to tap Share My Trip on the homepage.

If you’re ever in a situation in which you feel unsafe, or have been harmed or injured, you can call emergency services on 000. During a trip, you can also call 000 by using our Emergency Button, or you can share your current location with your Trusted Contacts by using the Share My Trip feature.

Our DiDi Incident Response Team is also available 24/7, please contact us if you wish to report an incident.